I’m number 1 on Google for d20 random encounters.
Author: doycet
[Star Wars] Death Sticks found in Subadult School
JRADE DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – The Jrade School Board expressed shock and dismay at the finding of death sticks in a
It stands for Total Party Kill. I’ve never perpetrated such a thing on any of my tables. Until Saturday. Long
Glimpse the Future
Excerpt from an advance review of the Revised Core Rulebook Moving into the classes section, we see some of the
Techie Tricks
Dave has used MT (and mad design skillz to come up with a great page for a character he’s
They like me, they really like me
Putting it mildly, my review of Legend of the Five Rings Magic of Rokugan (for d20) was well-received by the
Not many. I’m writing a review for an online Gamer Magazine, on a d20 sourcebook. I’ll link to that that
WotC has released some new infor from the revised edition of the rulebook that coming out in a few months.
Holonet News
Just too, too funny: HoloNet Life | Best in Show Eaten by Second-Best
This just in…
Area Woman Finds Sith Icon in Pastebread Or not… still, a pretty fun read. Holonetnews is a good, immersive site.
Merging Technology and Geekdom
I worked out something very interesting for Randy Trimmer’s cry havoc :: amber drpg game. I’ll explain it here, and
More grist for the OA game…
Ghosts, Demons and Spirits in Japanese Lore on Asianart.com (via Quiddity)
Session Nine, part one
After a miserable night of dealing with the sudden Senatorial name-chance, I’ve come to this conclusion: For the sake of
Star Wars – ANOTHER Update
Inspired by Rey’s kick-ASS banner, I updated the main Prince of Alderaan page and also did some stuff with the
Update — Timeline
I’ve added atimeline to the Prince of Alderaan game data. It should help people sort out what’s happening when in
Star Wars Update
Another (messy) update to the d20 Star Wars Campaign. Added more senatorial stuff and started working on pix for various
Dirty Little Secrets
I don’t mind how many exp I give out in the DnD game, because I won’t miss this game when
Game tonight
DnD, takes place at the Consortium, since Dave’s out of town and Margie can’t find a sitter. It’s fine —
I’ve done some overhauling at the Padawan’s Cave, removing the star maps that I don’t find myself using at all,
Session Eight: Head Trip
We couldn’t play on Friday, due to the weather, but we did manage to get everyone together Saturday night for
Weekend plans
This Sunday, I’m coordinating my 2nd Gameday at Collectormania (which I’d provide a link to if I knew it). The
OA Atmosphere
Tales of Virtue and Treachery — A bunch of fiction from Rokugan, for whoever’s interested.
Session Seven
Star Wars Campaign Session seven was on Friday the 22nd, and I’m going to talk about that as well as
Finally, a really gamer geek quiz
What D&D Character Are You? I Am A: Neutral Good Half-Elf Bard Thief Alignment:Neutral Good characters believe in the power
Good Starwars Chargen Tool Okina-rdae.com
Geek News
Official D&D Game Rule FAQ has been Updated (02/15/2002)
Ghengis Con
Ghenghis Con was very cool for me last year, because it was my first real experience stepping back into mainstream
Other Game Writing
Randy updates his blog with comments about the various games he playing or planning on running at Q.E.D. — Quinn
Game Tonight
Session Seven? I need to put some GM logs up for the game, but nothing today. Need to get the
My new super-secret identity
I am… Man of Leisure Man! I think I’m smiling just a little too much, though. The somewhat bemused expression