Holy crap. Holy CRAP. Okay, the animation isn’t great, but the voices are pretty good. Why am I so excited?
Category: Links & Resources
So Conflicted
The Zombie Fluxx card games combines a great love and a great hate of mine. Love: Zombies. Man, I likes
[SotC/Fate] A Different Take on Phases
From one of the game’s author’s a great tweak to the phases in SotC character generation to move away from
scroll right
Completely. Awesome.
Jonathan Coulton is full of Awesome
Don’t believe me? Peruse the Jonathan Coulton – Listening Suggestions. I’m going to buy, like… everything on his site. So
Pretty much applies to any game
Penny Arcade! – The Protip
Granted, I don’t actually digress about PHP…
DM of the Rings XIV:Boring Distractions D&D is a sort of simulation. A simulation of living in a fantasy world
So I can clear it out of my email/reminder folder
Theory From the Closet: Interview with Fred Hicks This is a really good, fairly long interview. Clyde does some really
When you know the indie designers are doing something right
“Story Game” (400 page, hard-bound, beautiful, hard-crunch, sci-fi blaster, smacking) Burning Empires won Origins’ RPG of the year award, beating
Go! (An excellent tutorial)
Click To Play
Their stupid, epheme-hip baby names are your NPCs monikers!
Via ***Dave, Unique, Unusual, and invented names of 2007 & 2008 may make you laugh out loud at nine out
“You’re a player, too.”
Story Games for Everybody – I’m not enjoying running Primetime Adventures. I’ve run PtA a couple of times and played
So. Much. Fun.
RPG Motivational Posters: all 400 of them.
Bang bang bang
I’ve talked (a lot) in the past about running games that are essentially built on nothing but Bangs (or as
Wierd internet gestalt
So, I was at the Forge forum, and reading down the forum thread: [Forge Midwest]Interview with Ron Edwards, and promised
More SotC Stuff
Spirit of the Century reference sheets. Most excellent.
SotC Hack
John Harper (author of Agon) is playing in a Spirit of the Century game and hacking in some things that
It’s big, it’s beautiful, it’s illustrated, and it’s finally DONE.
Television Without Pity (not really) presents a recap of the first half of the two hour series premiere of Ill
For the record…
Spirit of the Century is a great game for high-adventure pulp hero gaming. It’s not so appropriate for Chandleresque pulp-noir
Clanky goodness
steampunk magazine – putting the punk back into steampunk
As though I needed another reason
[Breaking the Ice] – You proved me wrong! When I initially heard about Breaking the Ice however-long-ago that was, my
Old School Holocaust
The boys of the Durham Three go super-old school with a game of Twilight 2000 and discuss what about the
Theory, Hardcore
I was going to do two posts this morning; one about this, and one about someone using Spirit of the
I hate that idea umm… Here’s what I like about that idea…
Remi, from the Durham Three podcast, posts some actual-play on Primetime Adventures, played at Camp Nerdly (which ran the same
The “we just had a joke” timer.
GameCraft :: View topic – The Disruption Hourglass of Death (table rule, any game system) Anyway, I do love our
There goes the rest of this week…
The Mid-Manhattan Picture Collection Table of Contents
Bringing Down the Finnish Pain
The Bringing Down the Pain “Group” rules from the Finnish version of TSOY, translated back into English. It’s worth noting
A little bit on Refreshing Pools in Shadow of Yesterday
Before I head off to Chicago, a quick link to a post that starts out asking [TSoY] Refresh: with who?,
Funniest Machinima video I’ve seen in awhile, even if you’ve never seen WoW. Great spin on a classic Muppet bit.