WISH 7: Maxims List three or more maxims/proverbs/bits of conventional wisdom/etc. that you’ve learned in your gaming career, and explain
To whom…
Rey has made good on his threat promise to set up the RPGamer Blogs Web Ring. If this is the
Secret, secret, who’s got a secret?
WISH 6: Secrets Sometimes the plot of a game requires a GM to keep secrets. Is it better for the
…and again.
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 5: Communication Gaming requires the GM and players to communicate a large amount of
Catching Up
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 4: Systems Describe three systems you have gamed under: one you thought was good,
In an effort to reduce the boring “anvil chorus” of a typical DnD combat, I added a house rule on
Star Wars – Session 12 & 13
Session 12 – Stunning Revelations The GM has lost his notes on this session, so until he finds them, here’s
Go for it
Yeah, horrible pun, but a good article and introduction to Go.
If I had $1,000,000
Actually, how about this: You have $100 to spend on RPG’s… for your entire life. What do you buy? Assume
Wish 3: Ideas
From Turn of a Friendly Die: Discuss three setting ideas or ideas for elements of settings that you got from
Wish 2: Romances
Again, from Turn of a Friendly Die (recently added to the linkbar). Describe two romantic relationships involving a PC you’ve
Master Yoda, your next student is here…
and she’s got a really cool lightsaber. (link (and Katherine) via Dave)
Blogathon 2002
I’ve put up my Blogathon information on a page of it’s own, and I encourage everyone to check out the
So this is what that feels like
Wendi was there first, and Rey showed me how the damn things worked, but I really feel like, within the
Bit Players
Turn of a Friendly Die has an interesting little query: Describe three NPCs (not major villains) that you really liked
I’m Ttthooper!
I am SO SORRY I missed this game.
Might be too late for the game tonight, but…
Here’s a Character sheet for the Revised Star Wars Rules, written in Excel. Pretty good stuff.
Enough Talk, Time for Action!
Well, Living Pulp is in the schedule for Tacticon, now we just have to figure out if we’re going to
Just when you thought was safe to go back in the Scheduler…
Okay folks, this looks like what I’ve got on the upcoming game schedule, both from Friday night stuff and what
*mumble grumble*
It’s really really annoying to work out a bunch of stuff about how Bail Antilles and Bail Organa are the
Food for thought from Rey…
It’s not spoiler stuff — it’s just thinking out loud. Still, some might want to abstain. Leia: “General Kenobi. Years
Sessions 9, 10, and 11
A Scrolling intro for Session 9, 10, 11 (and probably 12 and 13) can be view here. Here’s a summary
Just a warning
No talking about the movie at the game Friday night. Some people won’t have seen it yet.
Your Daaaammn Right!
Find your Role-Playing Stereotype.
New stuff on the Revised Rulebook
Details on the changes to ALL the classes, new skills, new feats, new Equipment — as much info as I
“I got to kill the [insert spoiler here].”
We ran the slot 0 for part of the RPGA Living Force Almas trilogy last night. Because she’s a backup
Hey now, you’re a rock star
I’m number 1 on Google for d20 random encounters.
[Star Wars] Death Sticks found in Subadult School
JRADE DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – The Jrade School Board expressed shock and dismay at the finding of death sticks in a
It stands for Total Party Kill. I’ve never perpetrated such a thing on any of my tables. Until Saturday. Long
Glimpse the Future
Excerpt from an advance review of the Revised Core Rulebook Moving into the classes section, we see some of the