Kick-ass Guide to Dull Pain and Dull Pain-like powers. HIGHly recommended. Thanks ***Dave.
Week in Review
Roster changes, mostly, with some stuff going on.
For the CoV version of Noelle…
Hmmm… Stainless steel stillettoes: not airport security screening friendly: high heels made from stainless steel, with optional locking ankle straps.
Largely ignored update from the most recent patch
Resorted order of availability for Tanker melee powers. Swapped 3rd and 4th power so Tankers can get a 3rd melee
You know what?
Channeling myself
“No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while you’ll see why.” — Mignon
Okay, I can finally do an Ice/* tank…
City of Heroes: Defense Scaling Ice Tankers and SR Scrappers have long lamented that Defense doesn’t scale with level. Because
Nobilis Meets Amber…
Hitherby Dragons: Bang There are twelve avatars, and the thirteenth which is Death. It is normal for the royal family
Statesman says stuff
Original Post First…I confirm that we’re working on right now (as in pohsyb in the next room) to add CoV
Poof, you’re sneaky again.
Stealth Nerf removed, for now Statesman We’re going to be taking out this “stealth nerf” or “nerf to stealth” or
Couple more days of CoH in review
Just to get up to date before The Visit throws my play schedule all out of whack. Not that it
On Test…
The Dreck Mission is now timed. No more farming. Edit: corrected silly tpyo. 🙂
Funny, but not…
City of Heroes Official Forums The scene: Four players and a DM are gathered around a kitchen table. Statesman (in
Coming Next: Who knows…
The new CoX patch includes the following undocumented or “stealth” (in more ways than one) nerf: it is no longer
Face to face gaming? People do that?
Potentially running two face to face games this coming week while Aaron and Kate are at the Casa: Ancient China.
Couple days of CoH in review
Been finishing up a book this last week and dealing with family stuff, so there hasn’t been a lot of
Random Link
Some webcomics to check out.
Week in Review
It’s amazing: even on a week when I go to South Dakota and don’t actually play CoH, stuff happens to
Acknowledging the Addiction
This post may seem at odds with my last one, talking about my CoH/V plans, but I’m a complicated guy.
Week in review
Another CoH Play Update, yes, however… This week, I also sent out stuff for running a Heroquest game, and a
CoH Play Review
Let’s see whats been going on in the last week eleven days… (You’re going to see a lot of “No
CoH Villain thought for the day
Vampires… Werewolves… Alien parasites… Robots… GIANT robots… … and base built INSIDE A VOLCANO. The Council gets *all* the best
“Vast tracts of… heroism…”
New Hero “Salutes” Puck Bunny So. Funny.
Week in review
Let’s see what’s going on…
Story: correction/expansion
In the week in review I wrote: * Ren and John have been spending a lot of time together as
Simply no way you can’t use this in your game…
… which game? Doesn’t matter. Stone Age to Sci Fi, there’s something useful here: The CIA World Factbook. ((Used it
Week in review
Interesting stuff going on in a couple places with a couple characters.
The best contact in CoV gets a fan site: The Radio Speaks. This page is dedicated to “The Radio” missions
No fair! :)
Since CoV came out, Jackie has had just… depressingly good luck with character names. She has snagged: * Hedera (for