Pulpy Goodness

I’ve finally added a link to the Pulp Adventures! website on the linkbar to the left. (The only reason I hadn’t up to this point was technical complications that would have come up with certain search engines.)
At any rate, this thing has been taking up a big chunk of my time lately, especially at cons, and I’m really excited about what we’re working on — in a few more months, we should have all the requirements completely in place to become an official member-run “Living” campaign for the RPGA. This means that people will be able to download and play the available scenarios anywhere the RPGA is active, using characters that gain benefits and experience as the storylines progress (yeah, just like in a normal campaign, but participating in the storyline with hundreds of other gamers). The fact that this could be a very popular and fun thing to be working on is a benefit — the fact that the whole thing is set in the Pulp genre of the 30’s makes the whole thing a blast.
After an abortive attempt at creating some gaming products last year, Rey and I have sort of fallen backwards into this and already accomplished even more than we’d originally planned for the other project.
It’s been easy (except for all the ass-busting labor). Go check it out.

One comment

  1. Check it out??? Don’t need to, I’m already a member….hee
    Dr. Abigale Jones

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