First, a note.
I get asked the same basic questions often enough, and find that they are answered by previous posts often enough, that I have compiled a list of those guide-like posts onto a single page that I can now direct people to when necessary.
Now then…
A few days ago, I mentioned that the naming convention for the bookmarks shared at a corporate level in the C6 system was a bit… arcane.
That’s actually being a bit kind. I don’t want to say there is no system at all — there is — but I think it’s fair to say that it’s sloppy and hard to navigate. When I’m in a hurry (say, trying to warp away from pursuers), the last thing I want to deal with is opening a list of possible warp-to points and say “Okay, now… which one of these goes where I want it to go?

Now, everyone’s going to have a system that works for them, and in your own private folders, that’s fine, but when you’re sharing bookmarks with others (as the corporate bookmarks folder automatically does), it’s important that the file name (because that’s essentially what it is) conveys a lot of at-a-glance information.
In descending order of importance, here’s the information I think a bookmark for a wormhole needs to convey:
- What kind of bookmark it is. (Note, this is true for all bookmarks, while everything after this is basically wormhole specific.)
- Where the wormhole originates.
- Where the wormhole’s going.
- Where it opened from. (Did you open it outward, or did someone else open it in to you.)
- When it was opened.
- What’s on the other side that’s important.
So let me give you some examples of what that looks like. For this example, let’s assume we live in a class two wormhole, and that we’ve agreed that our wormhole is always going to be referred to as “C2”. (There are many C2s, but this one is ours.)
In addition, any other wormhole will be referred to by its type, plus a sequential letter, so the c4 we connect to will be referred to as “c4a”. If we happen to explore our way into a second c4 on the same day, that would be referred to as “C4b”, and so on.
So here’s a bookmark name:
WH C2 -> HS (MAY15 0310e) Amarr -5
What does that tell us?
- This is a Wormhole (WH) bookmark, not a LADAR, RADAR, MAG, GRAV, or any other kind of bookmark.
- It originates in the C2.
- It is an outbound wormhole. (The -> is pointed away from the c2.)
- It connects to High-sec. (HS)
- It was opened on MAY15, at 0310 hours, evetime. (O310e) From that, we know the hole will die of old age somewhere around 0300 evetime, MAY16.
- The closest market system is Amarr, which is five jumps away. (Amarr -5)
The bookmark for the highsec side of the wormhole would look like this:
WH HS <- C2 (OPTIONAL: System Name.)
That’s quite a bit simpler. Here’s another one:
WH C2 -> C4a (MAY15 0340e) AAA:p5m10
This (obviously fictional) wormhole was opened at 0340 evetime from our C2, into a C4 occupied by “Triple A”, also known as Against All Authorities; their tower is at Planet 5, Moon 10.
Here’s a slightly more worrisome one:
WH C2 <- K162(C6) (???) StarBridge
In this example, we have an inbound wormhole that was opened into our hole from a class six wormhole. We don’t know when it was opened, so we don’t know when it will die. What we do know is that the C6 is held by a corporate member of Star Bridge, a Russian wormhole alliance that can sometimes be a problem for US wormholers.
More extensive notes (who’s been seen using a hole, what kind of ships, et cetera) can be sent out via evemail, posted to the MOTD, or shared via secure mapping tools like Siggy or and API-authenticated version of Wormnav.
Obviously, everyone’s going to have different formats they use to convey this information, but I don’t think anyone will argue that this is all information that’s important to have, and that it should be shared in this or some similar uniform way — the only other rule I’d add to the general guide to naming conventions is “keep it short”, because the file name will truncate in most drop-down lists. If you don’t have a naming method yet (or if it’s terrible) please accept my invitation to start with this method as a jumping off point for a system of your own.
Hey, that’s a good system.
Is it yours? I searched for frakking HOURS yesterday trying to figure out where I first ran across it. If so, please give me a link so I can add it. 🙂
Thanks for the guide page. I’ve been bookmarking as I read them, but now they’re all in one place. 😀
Also, that naming convention makes a lot of sense.
It possibly comes from my w-space glossary, although I’m not surprised you couldn’t find a link. I didn’t make it easy, never really expanding on or highlighting it beyond a comment here and there.
Honestly, I’m glad you find it understandable enough to use, and also that you found time to write more fully about it. I have to agree that a good set of bookmarks makes travelling w-space painless. The addition of the tower location in the BM is a lovely touch too. I may have to encourage the corp. to adopt that.
Thank you for the guide compilation! I find your style of writing easier to understand for a new guy like me.
The system I use, with examples-
C4 Wormhole AAG-546 outgoing C4 with the signature ID (these are updated daily after downtime, or after new sigs appear)
Dodixie Wormhole GFT-003 outgoing hisec
C2 k162 JJC-913 incoming c2
Minor perimeter reservoir zaw-123 ladar site
We can just go by the bookmark creation times for wormholes to see when they appeared.
Thanks for the examples. Only problem I have with them is that they don’t sort very well. I always lead mine with “WH” “MAG” “RADAR” et cetera, so all bookmarks of the same type group together. Between that and sorting the Bookmarks by jump distance, all the relevant stuff for the system I’m in is grouped together, at the top of the list, and lit up green.
We’ll usually put the signature ID at the end of the bookmark, but I only ever use the first three letters, since those three letters never duplicate on the same day in the same wormhole; the numbers become an unnecessary differentiation and just more stuff to read. It’s the same logic behind calling PvP target by the first three letters of their name, not the whole thing.
About the first three letters being never duplicating – not true. We’ve had some sigs having something like TVA-190 and TVA-290 more than once. Also, the sigs in question were of different types.
My corp uses a system that’s a bit more complicated but is easy enough. Each day we create a folder with the current date. IF there are relevant BMs from the previous day, we duplicate them and mark them in the name as old. Format is somthing like this
[WH/L/R/G/M/Tow/Wreck] Z971->J123456(C1) [14:27][TVA-800]
the direction of the arrow indicates if it’s incoming or outgoing.
We actually use something a bit quicker, but less comprehensive. Since we stick to Siggy, we can see all the info we want there (instead of worrying about bookmarks)
0 is always home, and each “1” is the next in the chain.
So from home, then 3 jumps, then High sec would look like:
and the return trip would view:
Dynamic holes or 162’s would appear as “2”s on a chain.
So the System “11” for us has 2 162’s, and a Nullsec, the Bookmarks for that system:
11-1 (chain toward home)
11-111 (Chain toward HS)
11-112 (K162)
11-113 (K162)
11-Null! (I always use exclamation points because I like PVPing in Nullsec)
With the visual representation on Siggy, it’s disorienting for the first day, but after that it becomes super quick and intuitive.