1. 1. The comments don’t remember who you are — that happens every time I use a vanilla MT-template — something’s fucked up in their code and it always takes me a while to figure it out.
    2. The font in the sidebars is probably too small.

  2. Eh. I know why I doesn’t work. I just can’t find the ‘fix it’ file. Later. Much much later.

  3. Also, it looked better when I had it set for 1000 pixel across, instead of 750. 🙁
    Of course… I wouldn’t be able to read it on my laptop without scrolling sideways, so that’s a problem. 😛

  4. Told ya!
    Dave agrees with me!
    Although this is nice, too.
    Aren’t we lovely and unappreciative of all your hard work?

  5. *singing*
    I like green, green is good!
    Green looks great and tastes like food!
    Wow, I must be really tired to think that this is funny. 🙂

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