Tales of Virtue and Treachery — A bunch of fiction from Rokugan, for whoever’s interested.
Author: doycet
Session Seven
Star Wars Campaign Session seven was on Friday the 22nd, and I’m going to talk about that as well as
Finally, a really gamer geek quiz
What D&D Character Are You? I Am A: Neutral Good Half-Elf Bard Thief Alignment:Neutral Good characters believe in the power
Good Starwars Chargen Tool Okina-rdae.com
Geek News
Official D&D Game Rule FAQ has been Updated (02/15/2002)
Ghengis Con
Ghenghis Con was very cool for me last year, because it was my first real experience stepping back into mainstream
Other Game Writing
Randy updates his blog with comments about the various games he playing or planning on running at Q.E.D. — Quinn
Game Tonight
Session Seven? I need to put some GM logs up for the game, but nothing today. Need to get the
My new super-secret identity
I am… Man of Leisure Man! I think I’m smiling just a little too much, though. The somewhat bemused expression
Up up and away
So we started playing the Justice Squad campaign this weekend. Lots of fun. Here’s my personal good/bad/ugly list. Good –
Game tonight
Session … not sure what number… sixth? The group just levelled up to 3rd. Rey can’t make it, so I
Proper Care and Feeding of your young Geek
This Saturday, I ran a little one-shot for Jackie, Justin and the Hill-Kleerups. Justin was playing his ubiquitous halfling thief,
Scooby-dooby Who
So, Randy pointed me to this. Kind of interesting, even if you hate Scooby-doo (I do.) What roles do your
Game Tonight
Game tonight. I got Nothing. Addendum: Dave sent me something funny to cheer me up. Comments on the game and
Since it came up last game, here’s a very well-illustrated page on Movement and Attacks of Opportunity.
Price of Honor
Robert has logs up for the DND campaign over here. They are pretty good, and fun because they really sound
Mucho Gaming
We went to WiCoU this weekend. ALL of us, for once. Jackie enjoyed herself a great deal with the GM’s
Game this Friday will be the DnD campaign. Margie can’t make it, but Robert’s wife can. Normally, I’d be against
This week
No games this weekend. Next weekend is WiCoU, which I plan to be playing in, not running. Good for me.
– Oriental Adventures – Farscape RPG (or even frigging info on when it comes out) – Tome and Blood sourcebook
Game Log 3 — Down Below
Third game session last night, another one of the sessions I’ll refer to as “Establishing Shots”, to use a movie
OGL stuff
These guys want me to do some work with them, prompted by Hocus Pocus, Mumbo Jumbo (which I wrote for
Rock Star (like Meatloaf)
You know that maxim that the camera adds 10 pounds? Well apparently the internet turns you into an emaciated bookworm
I haven’t put an entry in here for so long that MT has removed all my other entries — too
Added a new Shapeshifter class to the d20 Amber Basic Character Classes. I really like how that guy turned out.
Updates to the Amber d20 pages. Specifically, did some work on the character classes, notably Ranger. Started the painful process
note to self: MaBarry’s (mostly) Amber Blog
This weekend is fraught with gamer peril. I’m taking part in a local con, playing Living Greyhawk on Friday night,
d20 Amber
Yeah, you read that right. I finished up the rules for running Amber using the d20 system.
Appropos of Nothing
aethereal FORGE is pretty darn cool.