Lumpley, via the Forge I’ve got a theory. There’s Setting, System, Character, Situation and Color, right? I think that you
Category: Musing
G/N/S translated into my own words, using examples
Okay. Once upon a time (about six months ago), I stumbled on some pretty good games via reviews on
I lasted a whole week without spitting out any G/N/S terminology…
…and… Hmm. I think I’m going to go a bit longer, despite someone handing me (another) nice short definition for
Fudging Fate
“It is a common delusion that you make things better by talking about them.” — Dame Rose Macaulay Okay, so
Game News
Green Ronin has the publishing green-light to revise and release Warhammer FRPG (my favorite ‘blood and rust’ game of all
Movie Logic is not like our Earth Logic
Intuitor Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics Saying that shards of broken glass are razor sharp is an understatement. A shattered window
My Life with Drill Sergeant: Full Metal Master
Population: One: Monday Mashup #37: Full Metal Jacket Oh, I could do something here with Sorcerer, tying everyone’s kickers into
The Forge on Batman
Not just Batman, actually, in fact… every single character that can be referenced for this stereotype/archetype is also a Big
Lumpley, again
Roleplaying Theory, Hardcore: Seriously. How many times have you created a character who was far cooler in your head than
Random bits
I wanna do Evangelion/Sorcerer.
Chicken, Egg, Amberites
A conversation on the Forge regarding how or when the idea of Player Authorship crept into your style of play.
Same site: Lumpley’s Gun Rules.
Sorcerer and the Dark Side :)
So in sketching out the Shannon character for this post, I became aware of a really cool ‘dark-side/light-side’ thing going
Failure in Trollbabe
Ron Edwards is working on a final, hard-copy version of Trollbabe, trying to get it done in time for GenCon.
Thinking outside the Toybox
There’s this thing in gaming that really doesn’t work: adding new optional things to a system that the players are
Thought from Friday’s game…
“Next campaign, I’m not going to give a bonus to hit for coming up with interesting descriptions in combat: I’m
There’s a game I’d like to write up in full that I never will. Two reasons: One is simply that
Games I might want to run: #6
Donjon (site), Donjon (review), Donjon example characters — player-driven dungeon crawling — it seems as though this could be either
Character inspiration
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 85: Character Inspirations What inspires you to create characters? Do you have partially-developed characters in mind
Games I want to run #5 – My Life with Master
My Life with Master: a must-play as far as I’m concerned.
Games I might want to run #4 – Burning Wheel
One of those fantasy games that (like HeroQuest) I plan to try out with my DnD group after they wrap
Games I might want to will run, #3 – Inspectres
First off, there’s a good review of InSpectres, here. Now, a summary:
Games I might want to run #2 – HeroQuest
Next up, let’s take a look at a fantasy system: HeroQuest. First, a particularly good and useful review can be
Games I might want to run #1 – Dead Inside
So I’ve got a bunch of games laying around — stuff I want to run, to try out… whatever. I
Here’s an observation, neither novel nor groundbreaking. d20 in it’s current incarnation will never be a good system for non-dungeon
Compare and Contrast
I’ve often said there’s practically no difference between the basic PC conflict setups for Amber and Vampire (whether that’s a
Wednesday Weird
The Wednesday Weird is a writing exercise where each week a topic will be posted and participants will write about
Doing the Cool Thing
Reading one of the ‘Actual Play’ entries on the Forge left me a bit… confused. Here’s an excerpt: We did
Game theory
The 20′ By 20′ Room: Definitive Narrativism links to essays on the Forge (a rpg forum I won’t bother to
Making Magic… magic.
A long email exchange on magic in rpgs — not a lot that resonated with me, but I did want