WISH 28: Movies for Gamers What are three movies that have inspired you as a gamer? Would you recommend them
Category: Musing
Fun stuff
Tree’s Heart Dynasty: a Shared-Roleplay Experience, from the author of Nobilis: something that I, I think, a precursor of her
Pulpy link
Crimson Skies, a Pulp-era board and video game with an excellent website. (via Arref)
Something from one word that works better when posted to this page then my main one: reflect: “So then I
Just for Gwydion
The Evolution of the Kilt.
Just a little link-note for my personal edification: History of fingerprints.
Outlaws of The Water Margin — an RPG based in Ancient China — psuedo-free, I think.
For the OA game:
Hanyu Pinyin, Zhuyin, Wade-Giles, MPS-2, Yale, and Tongyong Pinyin Cross-Reference Table. Cool.
Really fun word.
gliriform – (adj) – Resembling a rodent. Just… makes me think. [evil grin] From the Grandiloquent Dictionary.
House Rules
We’re doing these already, but I wanted to get them down in writing so that it’s clear to everyone. Dissipate
Forgotten New York, a study of the city-that-was. Tons of fun stuff for the right campaign. Related: Dark Passage is
Random drifty bits
What I’m running: Star Wars “Prince of Alderaan” campaign. DnD campaign Oriental Adventures campaign Pulp Adventures What I’m playing: Cry
“Well, I didn’t know you were called Dennis, did I?”
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 14: Cross-Gender Play What do you think about cross-gender characters (i.e., men playing female
Yeah, but what’s he like?
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 13: Character Backgrounds How do you like to build character backgrounds? Do you think
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 12: Mood Maintenance How do you keep the mood? And once lost, how do
Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 11: Character Recognition Have you ever seen or met someone — in person, on
WISH 10: Fun Creations
From Turn of a Friendly Die: What’s the most fun you ever had creating something in a game that changed
Coming to a Conclusion
I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what I want in a game system; what works for me and
Honey, can you pass me the dice bag?
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 9: Significant Others Have you ever gotten a significant other into gaming? Those of
Maxims, the Sequel
WISH 8: Maxims, Redux Pick three gaming maxims that other people wrote about and discuss how you think they have
WISH 7: Maxims List three or more maxims/proverbs/bits of conventional wisdom/etc. that you’ve learned in your gaming career, and explain
Secret, secret, who’s got a secret?
WISH 6: Secrets Sometimes the plot of a game requires a GM to keep secrets. Is it better for the
…and again.
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 5: Communication Gaming requires the GM and players to communicate a large amount of
Catching Up
Turn of a Friendly Die: WISH 4: Systems Describe three systems you have gamed under: one you thought was good,
In an effort to reduce the boring “anvil chorus” of a typical DnD combat, I added a house rule on
Go for it
Yeah, horrible pun, but a good article and introduction to Go.
If I had $1,000,000
Actually, how about this: You have $100 to spend on RPG’s… for your entire life. What do you buy? Assume
Wish 3: Ideas
From Turn of a Friendly Die: Discuss three setting ideas or ideas for elements of settings that you got from
Wish 2: Romances
Again, from Turn of a Friendly Die (recently added to the linkbar). Describe two romantic relationships involving a PC you’ve
So this is what that feels like
Wendi was there first, and Rey showed me how the damn things worked, but I really feel like, within the