Real women wear armor.
Author: doycet
This makes me happy
Capcom Entertainment, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, have been given a license to produce a digitally
We finally got to play some more of the “City of Petrana”
I’m very pleased with how it turned out
In this post, I wrote: I don’t think I have too many ‘headspace’ or ‘immersive’ characters to begin with. Of
I totally stole this from Knife Fight
But I don’t care: it’s a really interesting question. 1) Name a roleplaying game character you can think like, outside
I have very high hopes for this Forum
I would knife fight a man – Sex, God, and RPGs
Random dohickey
WoW Signature Image Generator Something in this doesn’t seem to want to work with my work internet, but I’m posting
Or rather, superscience: how to run Venture Brothers style adventures using InSpectres.
The sweet, sweet backbeat… of grenade launchers
The Ballad of Black Mesa makes me want to go buy Half-life 2.
So a couple weeks ago, Alexander the Hoax (long story) talked me into going to the Forge Midwest gaming convention.
Mortal Coil
This weekend, Kate’s in town and I wanted to have a social kind of gaming thing — while both she
“Theeeeese are the people geeks in your neighborhood…”
NearbyGamers — a gamer locator, since FindPlay doesn’t exactly… umm… work. Right now.
Minions Assemble!
Minion Cards! Minions, being the salt and bone of Spirit of the century, need heavy use and lots and lots
Awesome… (and yet, ‘wary’)
((With thanks to Andy Kitkowski for the post title.)) How… interesting. Wizards of the Coast is offering a limited supply
Captain America
Marvel’s Civil War storyline (which directly addresses things like 9/11 and the Patriot Act) makes a pretty bold move. (Huge
Another great game we’ll probably never have time to play.
AFRAID: Dogs in the Vineyard + horror + a lot more = AWESOME!
Related to that last post: steampunk magazine – putting the punk back into steampunk Before the age of homogenization and
Train up
World of Warcraft (WoW) Starting Guide – Google Video Interesting? Eh. Thorough, and education in terms of what you can
And the breathing sound would stay the same…
Eric’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea: steampunk star wars Awesome. Especially Vader.
A little of this and a little of that.
Linear vs. Gestalt vs. Emergent Play Very interesting post from Brand. One of the reason I really like the “Gestalt”
Wouldn’t it be Nice
Okay, I haven’t done a lot (read: any) gaming of pretty much any kind in the last few weeks, due
Getting ready to game
Have Games Will Travel: Focuses specifically on the responsibilities of players to engage in the game and shout out when
Prove the Glory of Your Name!
What gets me thinking: 300 movie trailer. What I’m thinking: AGON: Competitive Roleplaying in Ancient Greece Inspiring: Agon: Index of
Indie Press Revolution: CRN Games, maker of Shadow of Yesterday
“It’s a Seeeeecret!”
The Durham 3 talk about Secrets in Gaming — very specifically, in the first couple minutes they talk about secrets
Two Great Tastes that Make you SUFFER, together.
The Mountain Witch vs. BSG: Battlestar Fujiyama
Kryos Podcast
Playing, designing, and respecting other players with kick-butt characters, Using Questions to help your game, and Good Sentences There’s some
Week in Review
PBF Can’t seem to get the momentum back up to pre-holiday rates on the Mountain Witch. Not sure what to
Week in review.
In brief: No face to face gaming. No CoH. A little progress on Mountain Witch, but I’m still working to
Week in Review
Again, no Face to Face gaming, due to no faces to face with. Holidays are Suck. In the Digital realms: