Friday: DnD. Talked about what we might like to do as a sequel game with a smaller group of players.
Category: Actual Play
Summary of the OA campaign
When the OA rules for d20 came out, I snapped them up — I’d always wanted to run a proper
Game summary
Friday, the DnD group continued to wander aimlessly through a deadly forest that drives people insane, rots your food, and
Jepteth a’Ghul: this is not your daddy’s cleric
Jackie’s running an Egyptian-style mini-campaign called Necropolis. Since the campaign itself is fairly high-power to begin with, we had a
Nobilis Campaign, Session 2, Punishment’s Thought-record
I will very shortly be creating a separate blog for the Nobilis campaign, but until then, such posts get put
“I attack… what’s going on?”
So on Saturday, Jackie and I played through the Living Greyhawk module “Isle of Woe”. This is a huge module
DnD Game
Friday night’s game was fun. I’m enjoying it quite a bit more than I used to — not quite sure
News Headlines from Around the Core Worlds
Short version of last night’s session: One player’s Senate Representative character and everyone else went to a Masquerade on a
Prince of Alderaan — 01/31/2003
The group, working seperately, all seek to stop a plot to assassinate Senator Antilles.
Prince of Alderaan — 01/09/2003
It’s 4 AM local time and we open with an image of two towers — the two tallest buildings in
Price of Honor, Session 02/28/2003 — Keep on the Borderlands
When we last left our heroes… With information in their hands the conclusively linked both Devilish activity in the area
Price of Honor, Session 01/24/2003 — All Tied Up
It’s been a long time since we’ve tuned in to the tales of the “Price of Honor” campaign, and a
Session 16 – Prince of Alderaan
Star Wars: The Prince of Alderaan The RimWorld Bacta War Part IX: “Automatic” The group on the independant space station
Last night’s game
An annoying railroad section of the plot has come and past, but besides that, probably the first game I’ve really
Session 15 — Clanky Robot Love
Star Wars: The Prince of Alderaan The RimWorld Bacta War Part VIII: “Let’s Split Up” Apologies for the lateness of
Session 14
Star Wars: The Prince of AlderaanThe RimWorld Bacta WarPart VII: “Sometimes the Worm Eats You” Dave Hill12 July 02 After
Star Wars – Session 12 & 13
Session 12 – Stunning Revelations The GM has lost his notes on this session, so until he finds them, here’s
Sessions 9, 10, and 11
A Scrolling intro for Session 9, 10, 11 (and probably 12 and 13) can be view here. Here’s a summary
[Star Wars] Death Sticks found in Subadult School
JRADE DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – The Jrade School Board expressed shock and dismay at the finding of death sticks in a
Session Nine, part one
After a miserable night of dealing with the sudden Senatorial name-chance, I’ve come to this conclusion: For the sake of
Session Eight: Head Trip
We couldn’t play on Friday, due to the weather, but we did manage to get everyone together Saturday night for
Session Seven
Star Wars Campaign Session seven was on Friday the 22nd, and I’m going to talk about that as well as
Up up and away
So we started playing the Justice Squad campaign this weekend. Lots of fun. Here’s my personal good/bad/ugly list. Good –
Game tonight
Session … not sure what number… sixth? The group just levelled up to 3rd. Rey can’t make it, so I
Proper Care and Feeding of your young Geek
This Saturday, I ran a little one-shot for Jackie, Justin and the Hill-Kleerups. Justin was playing his ubiquitous halfling thief,
Game Tonight
Game tonight. I got Nothing. Addendum: Dave sent me something funny to cheer me up. Comments on the game and
Price of Honor
Robert has logs up for the DND campaign over here. They are pretty good, and fun because they really sound
Game Log 3 — Down Below
Third game session last night, another one of the sessions I’ll refer to as “Establishing Shots”, to use a movie
Star Wars, Session 2
The second session was sort of spread out over an abortive attempt to get something going on 15th, and a
Star Wars, Session 1
Okay, I don’t remember when we ran the first session… would have had to have been about… let’s say 9/7.