I’m on my way home for the day when I get a message from Em that our pilots have scanned
Category: Actual Play
Life in a Wormhole: Time and Relative Dimension In Space #eveonline
Time for a bit more wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff to help get caught up to current events. The biggest challenge with
Life in a Wormhole: Let’s do the Time Warp #eveonline
Holy moly, I’m behind. Under normal circumstances, things posted here are time-delayed several weeks to a month, but now? Looking
Life in a Wormhole: No so much with the Pinatas, Actually #eveonline
So the deal with POS Pinata Day is that EvE is implementing a change to the way that player-owned towers
Life in a Wormhole: Day(s) of Rest #eveonline
Following the marathon efforts of the past few days, our pilots are ready for a bit of downtime. Once the
Life in a Wormhole: The Final Push #eveonline
“I’m going to kill him.” “Is the hole dead?” “I’m going to kill him, then buy him a new ship
Life in a Wormhole: The (Surround)Sound of Stupid #eveonline
I finally force myself to take a break a few hours later, leaving Pax, Em, and Shan watching things while
Life in a Wormhole: The Race, Part Two #eveonline
So here’s a thing about wormholes: they are persnickety fucking things. As a general of thumb, a wormhole can take
Life in a Wormhole: The Race, Part One #eveonline
Summary of Events Following a system assault conducted by members of our alliance, some of the corps involved in defending
Life in a Wormhole: Three-way, and not the Fun Kind #eveonline
Apparently it’s been a long while since Bre lost a clone — the last time was apparently (and predictably) when
Life in a Wormhole: Too Speedy for Your Own Good #eveonline
We’ve seen no sign of the enemy cruisers lurking in our system during the entire tengu/noctis mugging, which Bre takes
Life in a Wormhole: Speedy #eveonline
“There’s a tengu in-system,” says Em. This seems like old news to me, except he’s not talking about the tengu
Life in a Wormhole: The Talk #eveonline
This post doesn’t have any spaceship explosions going on — it’s something I’ve debated writing up, because it’s nothing but
Life in a Wormhole: Late Night Jam Session #eveonline
It’s getting late, and the end of my evening isn’t in sight. We’ve got hostiles in the system who, at
Life in a Wormhole: A Lack of Communication #eveonline
Note: The events I’ll be covering in the next few blog posts are written from the point of view of
Life in a Wormhole: Ship Swapping #eveonline
There’s some chatter in my Alliance evemail box when I log in; something about the system assault that happened over
Life in a Wormhole: Scouting, Scouting, and Scouting #eveonline
Today’s schedule is a bit odd, as I have quite a bit of free time to poke around the lost
Life in a Wormhole: Wait for Backup #eveonline
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this Dolby guy.” Trust Em to know what I’m thinking even when he doesn’t
Life in a Wormhole: Gadabout #eveonline
My comms are full of annoying distractions when I log in, and they’re proving unusually difficult to tune out. First
Life in a Wormhole: Two Exits, No Joy #eveonline
I’ve been told by some of my more opinionated … readers? Hmm. They say they don’t read the blog, actually,
Life in a Wormhole: How Can You Miss Me if I Never Leave? #eveonline
First, a quick behind-the-scenes update: CCP contacted me and told me they’d changed their minds about the whole media account
Life in a Wormhole: Should have Just Stayed Home #eveonline
One of the really interesting EvE-related youtube posters that I enjoy is a guy named Kil2, especially when he posts
Life in a Wormhole: Overheat All the Things #eveonline
Iteron down! Iteron down! Oh, nevermind, that’s someone else’s Iteron hauler, using our system as a route out to known
Life in a Wormhole: Lose Some, Win Some #eveonline
Bre logs in and reports that the 850 million isk wormhole… is now occupied. So entrenched have the locals become
Life in a Wormhole: Fish or Cut Bait #eveonline
Bre would very much like to sell the wormhole she’s been sitting in for several days and come home, but
Life in a Wormhole: Stormy Weather #eveonline
“Bid for this wormhole is up to 300 million.” “Bored yet?” “You have no idea.” Ty’s on his way home,
Life in a Wormhole: Fire the Wave Motion Gun #eveonline
Sure enough, Ichi is chortling when I log back into the home system the next day. Apparently, he happened to
Life in a Wormhole: If You Open a Door, Something May Walk Through #eveonline
Cabbage reports that we have an additional wormhole in our system, beyond the two that we always have. Entrance number
Life in a Wormhole: What if they Gave a War and Nobody Came? #eveonline
Hurrah, we’ve had war declared on us again. Contrary to the ominous tone of this announcement, the mood within the
Life in a Wormhole: A Few Days of Normal #eveonline
One of the upsides of losing your salvaging ship is that you have a legitimate excuse when it comes time