My evemail box is brimming with messages when I log in, and for a few seconds I get excited; after
Category: Actual Play
Life in a Wormhole: “We’re like Keystone Kops out here.” #eveonline
I get online later than normal and it takes CB and me awhile to get organized — usually, I’ve scanned
Life in a Wormhole: Missed Opportunity #eveonline
It’s early in the morning — very early, thanks to the tiny copilot half-asleep on my lap — and the
Life in a Wormhole: The Lulling Sounds of Laser fire #eveonline
The home system continues to recover, new sleeper sites popping up like dandelions, and while the tasty radar anomaly beckons,
Life in a Wormhole: Still Doing it Wrong #eveonline
We’ve spent the last couple nights chasing after looters out of high-sec without being able to actually catch them —
Life in a Wormhole: Kicking the Anthill #eveonline
It’s an early Saturday morning, and the cupboard (by which I mean “our home system”) is bare. The random number
Life in a Wormhole: What are the Odds? #eveonline
It’s been a few days since the Rattlesnake/Orca Debacle of Aught-leven, and things have been quiet around the home system
Life in a Wormhole: Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight #eveonline
“New rule,” says Gor. “When one of use loses over a half-billion isk in ships in one go, everyone gets
Life in a Wormhole: “Don’t Go After the Frisbee” #eveonline
This is one of those stories that makes people who don’t play EVE swear that they’re never going to play
Life in a Wormhole: Worst Case Scenarios #eveonline
Gor really shouldn’t feel bad about struggling with fittings for his ships in the wormhole; sleeper combat is a bit
Life in a Wormhole: All Alone #eveonline
The Germans, it appears, are moving out of the system we’ve been sharing for the last month. One of their
Life in a Wormhole: Windfalls #eveonline
I return from South Dakota to find our tower brimming with loot. None of it’s mine, but that doesn’t mean
Life in a Wormhole: Making room and Settling In
Bree is back in the wormhole, albeit only with one of her Buzzard cov-ops ships and not her entire fleet,
Life in a Wormhole: Escape from Nullsec #eveonline
The home system is quiet the day after the destruction of the Drake, and even two days later the sleepers
Life in a Wormhole: Parasite EVE #eveonline
Sean wakes me up right after the daily downtime; I log in to email both the corp and our German
Life in a Wormhole: the Tapeworm #eveonline
The interesting and wonderful thing about wormholes is that situation changes constantly. The day after Gor and I blew up
Life in a Wormhole: “Want to Ruin His Day?” #eveonline
Enough moping about nullsec dissatisfaction! Yes, Bre is somewhat stuck in Curse. Yes, the rest of our alliance is moving
Life in a Wormhole: A Miner’s Tale
The next week is a whirlwind of activity, and very little of it involves EVE. We’re in Orlando for a
Actual Play of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple with my family
I grew up in central South Dakota and, as a gamer from an early age (I convinced my folks to
Life in a Wormhole: Germans, Planets, and Gilas
Our relations with our German neighbors continue to improve from our original neutral baseline. We started off with an agreement
Life in a Wormhole: Exploiting the Neighbors #eveonline
Wormhole systems are categorized into six classes. The differences between these classes is primarily in the relative strength of the
Life in a Wormhole: If you’re going to be a Criminal, be a Smart Criminal #eveonline
Over emails the next day, CB points out that instead of a floating tower in space with guns, e-warfare modules,
Life in a Wormhole: The Moving-day Hangover
It’s one of those days you remember from college; everyone’s moving a bit slowly, trying to make as little noise
Life in a Wormhole: … if it is possible to avoid hitting. #eveonline
I drafted my evemail, aiming for a mix of “we’re all just trying to get along” and “we have no
Life in a Wormhole: What do you mean, “Neighbors?”
There was a moment of stunned disbelief following CB’s question. I hit d-scan several times on several characters and got
Life in a Wormhole: Time to Get Lost
Gor has advocated for starting the trip further into the evening, so as to avoid the prime hours of activity
Life in a Wormhole: The Adventure Begins… with shopping.
A flurry of communications followed my initial email about the empty wormhole. Questions. Queries. Calculations. A whoooole lot of calculations.
“My name is John Crichton…”
I haven’t been compelled to write about the sorts of things going on with my time in-game with EVE up
Actual Play of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple — “Swallowed Whole”
Despite crazy schedules and a newborn to deal with, Chris and Tim and I managed to get together last night
Burning Wheel, in Review
With holiday schedules, an incoming bearcub, and all the other insanity that seems to surround the end of the year