I like ebook versions of RPG texts, which are unfortunately as rare as hen's teeth. PDF is… fine. Not great.
Author: doycet
RPG a Day, August 6 and 7
August 6: What is the most amazing thing that you know a game group has done for their community? http://www.facebook.com/gamersgiving/
RPG a Day: August 3rd, 4th, and 5th
August 3 What is something you have done with your game character that you are the proudest of? I really
RPG a Day Catch Up
Missed the start of this during a crazy Monday, so here's a couple answers. August 1: Do you prefer to
Quote of the Week
"They [Nintendo] could add way, way more game if they felt like it. I mean, as much as they wanted.
Fun thing
Playing something between a Choose Your Adventure and an RPG with +Kaylee Testerman via Google+, using the poll function. We
Several regular players couldn't make our regular Hangouts game, so we played Dungeon World!
Started off with questions about the player's characters (an artificier, immolator, and an elven fighter) and background (elves were cast
Slept bad last night
Here's my brain today: "You should finish that story." "But I don't want to write uaaaaaagh too harrrrrrrd. I just
Star Wars: Rebel Ops – The Onderon Job, Part 2
… in a different part of the Galaxy.… eighteen months PRIOR to the events of the first six sessions.… with
Star Wars: Rebel Ops – The Onderon Job
Meanwhile… … in a different part of the Galaxy.… eighteen months PRIOR to the events of the first six sessions.…
Getting Closer to No Thank You, Evil!
Originally shared by +Doyce Testerman Kaylee (10) made up her character for No Thank You, Evil! about a week ago
Pondering FAE Tweaks for Star Wars: Rebel Ops
A few days ago, I publicly mulled over how the game is going. That post attracted quite a bit of
Star Wars Art
I got a finished commission from skilled Star Wars-focused artist Lorna-ka, and feel like nerding out and sharing. Dekko will
Some Thoughts on recent Gaming
Mostly the online stuff, systems, genres, et cetera. In no particular order, just stream-of-consciousness stuff. —- I like running Star
Session Six of Star Wars: Rebel Ops
We wrap up the "Tatooine Manhunt" arc.
No thank you, Evil!
My daughter and I have played a lot of RPGs together, but nothing in recent memory has gotten her psyched
200-word RPG Challenge submission: Freaks
So this thing is happening: The 200 Word RPG Challenge puts your writing and editing skills to the test! What
Mouse Guard Risus with Sean and Kaylee (and Zoe!)
Last night, I swapped out normal bedtime activities for a little RPG fun with Sean and Kaylee, as I have
Star Wars: Rebel Ops, Session 5
Probably/possibly penultimate session of the current arc of the FAE-based game.
Risus Supers!
S. John Ross (creator of Risus) mentioned a plan to run some one-shot game sessions online. I, like many others,
Mouse Guard Risus with Sean and Kaylee
Last night, I swapped out normal bedtime activities for a little RPG fun with Sean and Kaylee. I’ve done this
Mostly certainly prepping this for use with +Kaylee Testerman and +Sean Testerman
#gaming Originally shared by +Rob Donoghue Have started refining the ruleset I want to try with the little dude. Would
Session Two of the current Star Wars game (run using Fate Accelerated).
Our heroes, having rescued a rebel agent on KWENN STATION, are en route to the backwater world of TATOOINE, in
First proper session of the Pandemic Legacy campaign
Got together on Thursday night with Kim, Tim, and Kate after a long hiatus following our ‘prep session.’ We managed
Thinking about Spaceships and Star Wars because… well, OBVIOUSLY
First, before getting into the “thinking” part, I’ll just embed this silly song with clips from a bunch of spaceship
Thinking about Gaming and Gaming Culture
I’m lucky. Actually, more than that: I’m privileged. There are at least a thousand ways I could illustrate and demonstrate
Still totally not running a Star Wars game
… just killing some time, making up a character with my daughter. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along…
The Clone Wars as they were Fought in my Head
This post jarred this loose and onto the page. Back in college, I played a minor character in a long-running