Population: One: Monday Mashup #4: Neuromancer. Let’s put this in a non-standard game system. How about the excellent Dreamwalker system/setting
Category: Musing
Mashup 3: Narnia
Population: One: Monday Mashup #3: Narnia First off, I have to say that I LOVED the meme-author’s take on this
Mashup: Body Snatchers
Population: One: Monday Mashup #2: Body Snatchers I say: Body Snatchers/Nobilis.
Mashup: CSI
The concept of this little excercise from Population: One is this: take a concept from a common or popular show,
Roll the Bones: Role Call 27: Verboten! If you were somehow forbidden from playing with your favorite system, genre or
Assimilating the Straights
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 59: Games for Non-Gamers Name three games you might use to get someone who has never
If I only have five of me.
Roll the Bones: Role Call: DIY: Can you summarize two campaign concepts you’d create for player with identical tastes to
Magical Box of Limited Expectation
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 57: System, Setting, Style, and Play Do you find that you play differently when you play
Randy and I were having a conversation last night about character ideas and starting power levels. I’m one of those
Having my druthers
Roll the Bones: Role Call 25: The ideal group: “What qualities would your ideal group possess?”
Psychoanalysis and the Gamer
So my biggest problem with the games I’m running right now are: 1. Most are too big (have too many
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 56: Friends and Associates Do your characters have friends and associates who play a regular role
Roll the Bones: Role Call 24 Have you ever felt like it was time to take a break, short or
Woulda coulda’s.
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 51: New Genres What are three genres that you?ve had limited exposure to as a gamer
Schticks and Schtones
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 53: Schtick What are three examples of physical or verbal schtick that you?ve used to develop
Role Call 23 What’s your favorite character you’ve made up for a game that you never got to play? Hmm.
I’m combining two role call questions into one post. Role Call 19: In what pre-fab roleplaying setting have you had
Matrix/Nobilis connection
Just seen it. No spoilers. I will, however, say that as much as the first Matrix could ‘map’ to the
Nefarious Plots
WISH 46: Plot, Plot, Plot How do you define the word ?plot? in a roleplaying game? What is plot and
I’m at that stage in learning/absorbing a game where I eat/sleep/breathe the thing. Unrelated: This is real turning point —
“I’ve got 13 points in Breaking Stuff, specialized in ‘The Plot'”
Note, the following meandering bit uses examples from X2, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet (and I’d recommend
Shout out
WISH 45: Accolades and Warm Fuzzies Who are some gamers you admire and appreciate? Name three (or as many as
Making Time
WISH 37: Schedules and Circumstances How do you prioritize gaming in your life to make sure it happens on an
WISH 44: Picking Games Another old WISH that I’m getting caught up on. How do you choose games to join
Catching up
WISH 28: Movies for Gamers What are three movies that have inspired you as a gamer? Would you recommend them
Fun stuff
Tree’s Heart Dynasty: a Shared-Roleplay Experience, from the author of Nobilis: something that I, I think, a precursor of her
Pulpy link
Crimson Skies, a Pulp-era board and video game with an excellent website. (via Arref)
Something from one word that works better when posted to this page then my main one: reflect: “So then I
Just for Gwydion
The Evolution of the Kilt.
Just a little link-note for my personal edification: History of fingerprints.