I’m seriously thinking about this camera (thirty bucks, so… less than a tank of gas), plus Skype (free), for in-home
Category: Table Top
Hacking the DnD Action Point rules
So I looked over the various gaming threads that had come out of discussions of Action Points and how they
The One Where He Totally Geeked Out Like a Mid-1980s Gamer Nerd ((Hacking DnD 4 into Lord of the Rings))
I noticed early on that LotRO’s main conceit about their “Health Bar” really really works in DnD 4th with regards
DnD Skill Challenges
Skill Challenges are a new wrinkle in DnD skill use that aim to make said skills use… well, more interesting.
DnD “DM” Reference Screen
In Flash, hosted here, and thus accessible anywhere. Because I am a nerd with a few minutes free time.
DnD errata
*WotC’s official D&D 4e errata *enworld’s unofficial D&D 4e errata
“Keys” for DnD
For a longer-term DnD game, I am seriously considering using something like the experience point system in The Shadow of
Actual Play: Keep on the Shadowfells, Session One
As I mentioned, had a chance to play the first couple events in the sort of “DnD 4th Edition Lite”
Dealing with the whiff-factor in DnD
Played some DnD last night. It was good. I will talk about that more in a bit, but for now,
OM Freakin’ G: The DnD 4.0 game with the seven-year old got even more awesome.
You haven’t been keeping up with the exploits of D and his dad Tony? Why on earth not? Go here.
Watching the 4.0 DnD release
… is a fascinating kind of car-crash voyeurism. Lots of folks into gaming have never really tried anything outside of
Learn about DnD 4.0 with some cool, funny guys.
Okay, so here’s what happened. Tycho and Gabriel from Penny Arcade, plus Scott Kurtz from PvP, got together with one
For the nerd on your Father’s Day list
Dungeons and Dragons, 4th Edition. I’m sorry, I’m just hearing too much good stuff about it. The indie roleplaying community
“I kick it (old school) for 1d6+2 damage.”
So a few weeks ago, I was poking through an old chest of junk from high school and found something
In a Wicked Age
So I’ve mentioned this game a couple times on the site, but haven’t really gotten into the game that much
Nobilis, renewed.
(Via Story Games:) Rebecca Borgstrom has released “Unlikely Flowerings”, the first part of the long-awaited Society of Flowers supplement for
Week in Review
Not a ton to say, really. Kate might disagree, but it doesn’t feel as though a lot’s been going on
“All right, you rudimentary-lathe people have gone too far.” (Galactic: introduction and Session One)
I’m really not going to be able to do the Galactic game justice with an Actual Play report. First, we’ve
“Let’s not create a WoW-widow before we even get married, hmm?”
… or, to be fair, a Gaming-widow in general. I’ve been giving my Google-calendar a workout for the last couple
Week in Review
Just a quickie. MMO: WoW Grezzk This was kind of an exciting week with the guild, as we expanded our
Galactic: characters and everything else
So, this part is going to be very sketchy. For more information on the characters, the setting, the worlds, and
So let’s talk about Galactic.
Then Isabel, seeing before all others that the Scourge would indeed be the end of Humanity, did gather up the
Galactic: good for the brain, bad for the eyes
I was going to write up a post about the character/universe generation for the Galactic game from this weekend (a
Week in Review
So here’s what’s been going on. Face to Face Ran a murder mystery for the most recent Spirit of the
[SotC/Fate] A Different Take on Phases
From one of the game’s author’s a great tweak to the phases in SotC character generation to move away from
Zombies at(e) the Homecoming Dance
Caught up by the desire to play a little wacky horror roleplaying in the middle of the week, I got
Playing to win
I actually had two points for my “serious gamer” post, but the thing was getting too long, so here’s the
Casual/Hardcore vs. the Serious Gamer
Okay. This is going to seem like it has a lot to do with MMO gaming, but at it’s heart
Gaming in review
A mix of gaming this weekend. ((Blogging bitching: it really should be possible to just hit Ctrl-B in Moveabletype to
Week in Review
Tabletop Played a little Spirit of the Century this last weekend. It wasn’t the session I’d dreamed up for the