You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Category: Musing
The Aging Gamer
Story Games for Everybody – Designing for the 25-35 Demographic 3) I have disposable income, better than I had at
One frog, squished into two pages
For no particular reason, I decided to see if I could (via harsh editing and severe formatting) squish the Frogger
So where’ve I been for the last 24 hours?
So here’s what happened. Over on Story-Games, someone posted this: You played it till your thumbs blistered, now write it
TSoY “Averages”
Over on the excellent Story Games forum, I asked folks who’ve been playing The Shadow of Yesterday about how long
Eating Stake
I’m going to rave a bit about game systems where you set Stakes for a conflict and how that can
I like…
Since I’ve got a one-shot game to GM tonight (the first I’ve GM’d with strangers in awhile), and I’m going
Just FYI
Changed this site’s name. Just like this one better.
Book, Game, Movie
There are three stacks of things on or near my desk at home. Each stack has a book, a movie,
Once again: Failure = Fun?
Failure is Always An Option: Character Defeat is Player Victory Too The biggest benefit of failure being entertaining for players,
Ask the Blind Man
One bright day in the middle of the night, Two dead men got up to fight, Back to back they
And somehow I played with Kaylee alot…
As noted here, played Kethos and Pummelcite enough over the weekend to get Keth up two levels to 29 and
“Awesome, I failed.”
Random Heroquest thought, prepping for the Firefly game tonight: Failure means conflict.
Goals in a Conflict
The thing with the Heroquest system is the Conflict Resolution vs. Task Resolution; it’s all about the former and unremarkable
Reading the Encyclopedia
You know what I’d like to do? I’d like to make up a really rough sketch background against which to
Week in Review
CoH: Messed around with a couple lower-level characters — notably Bear Claws (who I think still has (annoyingly) the hero-side
NOT CoH Plans #2
So I want to plan for other Face to Face gaming, besides wrapping up Spring Fountain. I know… I know…
NOT CoH Plans #1
Xian Quan — still very much interested. Need to look at the different ways we can run this, online. FACE
Granted, the book’s so big you’ll hardly notice…
Huh. I forgot to post this. If you’re in a game or hobby shop and happen to see the Deryni
In which someone pats me on the back without realizing it.
Another fun Firefly moment: I’m on a mailing list for the Risus RPG (which most of y’all had the opportunity
Nobilis Meets Amber…
Hitherby Dragons: Bang There are twelve avatars, and the thirteenth which is Death. It is normal for the royal family
Blog reorg
Added a CoH category to the Blog entry posts so as to break it out from the more generic ‘supers’
More HQ rambling
Non-Gloranthan Magic
Link of the Now
Heroquest: Can you do EVERYTHING with an Extended Contest?
Your word for the day…
captious: (adj) disposed to find fault or raise objections. That is all.
See, now… this is responsibility I *like*
Related to the “Who killed Freedom Girl Stateswoman” story: The Liberty Song: Battle for Axis Earth — a big-as-hell, all
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Certain things that always seem to happen with me and multi-player online games: 1. I make a wise-cracking, relatively-fragile, power-throwing
How do I prep?
Over here, here, Shawn wrote: How do you prep and run so many different games? I’m blown away by planning
Had to cancel the HQ game tonight due to schedule conflicts. Which, I gotta say, bums me out more than
A comforting thought
I have, on two seperate occassions this week, been distracted from playing City of Heroes to the point where I