Kate’s response: Why not both? A few weeks ago, I noticed a thread on reddit’s /r/boardgames in which the original
Author: doycet
Character Progression in Fate Accelerated
One of the complaints/problems I've run into with previous incarnations of Fate were with character advancement. To be blunt, there
Character Progression in Fate Accelerated
One of the complaints/problems I've run into with previous incarnations of Fate were with character advancement. To be blunt, there
Garbage Disposal – FAE Supers Gaming with my Family, Part Three
In the last session with my niece, nephew, and daughter, the three young heroes were sneaking through the ship on
“We’re on a Ship?” – FAE Supers Gaming with my Family, Part Two
[Not a lot of dice rolling and no fights in this one, but good character building stuff.] When we last
“Escape from the Science Tubes” – FAE Supers Gaming with my Family, Part One
I could write about this game for a week. It’s possible I might. There’s so much to take out of
A few thoughts on EVE, a static playerbase, and how I'd fix it
Originally shared by +Doyce Testerman (Also: the new home of my Life in Eve posts!) Stay Awhile and Listen: Growing
A few thoughts on EVE, a static playerbase, and how I'd fix it
Reshared post from +Doyce Testerman A few thoughts on EVE, a static playerbase, and how I'd fix it. (Also: the
Finding Time: Google+ Saved my (Gaming) Life
I self-identify as a gamer more readily and/or instinctively than any other social sub-caste, up to and including “parent.” Good
Hidden Things Audiobook kickstarter
[This post originally appeared on my other blog at doycetesterman.com.] I’m a writer. I write for a living and, more
Why I’m Most Active on Google+
Everything, for me, is about my (current) passions. Near as I can tell, I've always been that way. #wp #gaming
My review of the most surprising Marvel-published title this year
#wp #gaming Hawkeye: My Life as a Weapon | TheMittani.com In my last review, I talked about Atomic Robo, a
Where I’ve Been
I haven’t been logged into Eve for awhile. Or DCUO. Or LotRO, or really anywhere online. Gaming has, in short,
Superhero Tan Lines
#gaming 24.media.tumblr.com/e8eedfd1b94f54efbb876e845554e361/tumblr_mqi6vqB1SJ1qz6f9yo1_500.jpg View this post on Google+
Atomic Robo, Some of the Most Fun You Can Have with Action Science!
Guaranteed* 98% free of unexpected explosions. #wp #gaming * – Should not actually be considered any kind of guarantee. At
Went to Comic Con San Diego
… and got to play some Atomic Robo(!) …With my daughter. …With her playing as my daughter. …using a character
Fate: Trouble Magnet – Session Three
We picked up the action from Session Two the following day. Hooray for weekends and little brother’s naptime. Matthew Cuthbert
I’m told the Fate Accelerated rule book arrived alongside my copy of Fate Core.
I didn’t get a chance to really see it, though. Kaylee snapped it up (and the accompanying bookmark+rules summary). Then
FATE: Kaylee’s Solo Supers Session Two – Trouble Magnet
Nataly wakes up in her room at the Clearwater Campus, her head foggy and filled with that nagging feeling you
FATE: Short “Supers” Session with Kaylee
Last night, Kaylee and I decided to trade our bedtime reading for a introductory mini-session of Fate Accelerated Edition, with
Apologies for the reposting-of-same-post spam
I’m still working out the various strange drug interactions between this blog (wordpress) and google+. I generally LIKE how I
FATE: Gaming with my Daughter
So my daughter’s back from grandparent camp, she’s been briefed on the Fate dice mechanic, and we’ve been talking about
Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn
So I'm thinking about Area of Effect attacks in Fate, and came up with a stunt for same. AoE Junkie.
Fate Core: Agent Coulson
I'm working on some characters that have pushed me in an interesting direction with stunts. Sharing them here to get
Quickly, Hive Pocket
Anyone here played Hive Pocket with their kids? I got it based off a reddit review and my daughter (7)
FATE: The Goddamn Batman
So there are ways to stat out Batman as a starting character. But (a) someone already did that and (b)
"I want to knock this guy into the next zone."
How would you do that? Overcome with active resists? #gaming View this post on Google+
FATE: Statting out Supers, because why not?
Inspired by Ryan’s work on representing the Avengers and the JLA in Fate, and because I’m getting my head around
Fate Core and Fate Accelerated Pseudo-review
So, a few days ago, a conversation I was having on g+ crossposted to this blog. That wasn’t intentional, but
As much as I'm longing for some super-heroic #gaming beat-down right now,…
As much as I'm longing for some super-heroic #gaming beat-down right now, this pretty much sums up why I won't