I think, assuming that Birdwell Island is a Chancel (which is clearly is, otherwise all the mortals would have gone
Category: Table Top
“Now a regular weekly publication!”
It’s a Spirit of the Century-palooza. First, we had a character generation shindig down at Lee and De’s for Nine
Hell did not freeze over, but it did get a little brisk down there.
So I went down to Lee and De’s yesterday and, with Randy, Meera, and Kingsley, made up characters for a
Mortal Coil
This weekend, Kate’s in town and I wanted to have a social kind of gaming thing — while both she
In other news.
Heroquest, Spring Fountain, this Friday … umm soon. Woo? 🙂
Face to face gaming? People do that?
Potentially running two face to face games this coming week while Aaron and Kate are at the Casa: Ancient China.
Very Sad
Went looking for the the Nobilis “Lexicon” projects today. They seem to have vanished.
Stan, if you get this before you’re off to Hackmaster, call me. We’re attempting an uncancellation.
Prep for the Heroquest game has generated 105 emails in ten days, between me and five players. Upside: very damn
Weekend in gaming
Friday: Played InSpectres, in which our heros (a hooker, an ex-mormon mechanic, a fringe-fringe-FRINGE scientist, and a cold-war MI-5 operative
Nobilis pre-post-mortem
Let’s say you get into a book club. It’s a pretty interesting set up, where you get a tremendous number
Dirty little gaming secret: I love undead. Stumbling hordes of zombies, lightning-quick skeletons — it’s all good. Shawn of the
Site notice
The CryHavoc ADRPG archives, formerly at http://average-bear.com/cryhavoc are now located on the GM’s domain: http://nineblackdoves.com/cryhavoc/.
Analyzing the last few sessions
It is something of an irony that the players in my d20 game have been so interested and involved and
You can get a pretty cool player-driven narrative out of 3e play. See here.
Narrative d20?
I’ve heard a lot of interesting stuff about the new Conan RPG from Mongoose publishing — that it gives players
‘Scuse me while I gush
In the history of Nobilis, the first 20th century was different. So were the 400 wondrous years after that, but
d20 skill-check hack
As noted here: Where d20 breaks down is when it shifts to non-combat rolls where the entire task (skill) is
d20 vs. the Dice Pool… or is it?
Overheard on The Forge :: d20 vs. 3d6, regarding “linear curves”. D20 combat is really a die pool system (rolling
One of the things I said in the comments on this post regarded the way that d20 (or some other
The Plot Point
A few weeks ago, Dave commented that we’ve been at this Nobilis thing for ‘about a year’. I believe my
Cool, baby. Cool.
So for the last couple weeks I’ve been contributing the insanity of the Lexicon Of The Second Age, in which
Making Magic… magic.
A long email exchange on magic in rpgs — not a lot that resonated with me, but I did want
Order of events
Interesting thoughts on why to decide your Estate last when creating a character in Nobilis, stored here for my convenience:
“Still… not as scary…”
The creator of Nobilis, reinventing the ecosystem of the world’s oceans on Hitherby Dragons. The ocean should be made of
The beginning of the end of the beginning…
So I wrapped up the OA campaign last Friday night with the the most unwrap-uppy wrap-up I’ve ever done. Let’s
Stepping into other shoes
After some thoughts provoked by the posts here and here, I opted to eschew the turn timer for the Nobilis
Hello, Clarice
I’ve got some catching up to do… Monday Mashup #13: Silence of the Lambs I’m combining this with Nobilis. Lecter
Pondering the flow
So, we’ve had a few players cross-over from one Nobilis game group to the other now, and someone asked one
Of gods, guest stars, plots, and naming conventions
Sunday, we had our first ‘guest star’ in the ongoing Nobilis game. Hmm, before I get into that, though, let’s