“Camel Cigarettes and the fresh taste of Colgate’s tooth-whitening Paste are proud to present our heroes in… The Moon Bridge
Category: Actual Play
And… Action!
As I already mentioned, we played some Primetime Adventures this weekend — this was the first episode after the series
Get ready for adventure!
Until we figure out what we’re going to call this floating pick-up pulp game, I’m not going to make a
It’s big, it’s beautiful, it’s illustrated, and it’s finally DONE.
Television Without Pity (not really) presents a recap of the first half of the two hour series premiere of Ill
Primetime Adventures: Finally!
Dave’s still putting up the AP from the Pilot Episode, but I wanted to get a link up to PrimetimeAdventures
Forge Con, the “quick” version
I left my journal/notebook at home today (along with a bunch of otther stuff I should have remembered), which included
We finally got to play some more of the “City of Petrana”
I’m very pleased with how it turned out
Week in Review
PBF Can’t seem to get the momentum back up to pre-holiday rates on the Mountain Witch. Not sure what to
Week in Review
Again, no Face to Face gaming, due to no faces to face with. Holidays are Suck. In the Digital realms:
AP: tMV in PbP (Actual Play: the Mountain Witch in Play-by-Post)
It’s not entirely true that I didn’t get any gaming time in this weekend: I’ve recently started up Play-by-Forum-Post game
After nine months of dancing around the idea, I finally got a chance to run a game for the ‘geeks’
Week in Review
Marginally frustrating week, in that I keep trying to get some games going, and the combination of everyone’s schedules and
Weeks and weeks and weeks in review
Been traveling for awhile, and scheduling is always hard during the holidays, so there hasn’t been much gaming going on.
Somehow, I forgot to write down the Actual Play from the second Dogs session. That’s just wacky. I will fix
Roached, again
Saturday, we picked up our Roach game again, and got quite a bit further through the razing of Pemberton University.
Dogs in the Vineyard: about damned time
Okay, so… it’s been two years since I got Dogs. More than that; I had one of the first pre-Gen
Death! Debauchery! Tenure!
Saturday the 9th I rode down to Lee and De’s new place about an hour and a half away with
Galactic, Session Two
Denver Session 2: short on scenes, long on RP, fun, and future promise. Kate can attest: I came off this
The Princes(ses)’ Kingdom!
Last night, I got to run The Princes’ Kingdom for Katherine. I write about it over on the Forge in
Galactic Playtest, Session One
Played the first ‘real’ session of the Galactic playtest on Saturday. Here’s what happened. Forgive, please, the extra-super details on
Paranoia: “No… it’s ‘suck my nuts.'”
Okay, so on Thursday night last week I hooked up with some folks in NYC to play Paranoia — the
Weekend in summary (more later)
There was actually a fair amount of game-type things going on this weekend. I will write a bit more about
Weekend in Review
Hmm… didn’t do a whole heckuva lot this weekend, gaming-wise, due to Kaylee-busy-ness and yard work. Friday: had a really
The Shadow of Yesterday: Freebooters One-Shot (Second Run), Post-mortem
So the HQ: Firefly game that we’d slotted to run on Friday didn’t come off. I think I need to
In regular gaming news…
Firefly game tonight, session two. Session One is here, basically.
Week or so in review
Last Wednesday, had a great, unexpectedly great, time on Victory server. Good stuff. Friday: Firefly game, using Heroquest rules. Set
Online GMing
My second (and first ‘solo’ attempt) in-game meta-plot: Skyway Community Rec.
Heroquest, Spring Fountain: 2
I’m currently running an HQ game for my die-hard DnD group on the alternate Fridays from the regular game. Here’s
XianQuan, session 2 is up. Thoughts below.
HQ-XQ, Session 1
Played through the first session of the Xian Quan Heroquest game on Saturday. I’d call it a decent if somewhat