Got Shade Dancer to 14, got a new power, promptly got her killed twice, messing around with it (two Quantum
Kheldian Hack for CoH Planner
I’ve tried to email this to folks, but it’s not working so… if you want an updated file for CoH
CoH: Mid-week grin
Positron TF, Cavern of Transcendance Trial, and (most recently) a night of kicking the asses of a number of the
That’s… interesting.
You know those test-server changes I mentioned yesterday? Looks like some of them are already in on Live, TODAY. (Vigilance
Unforeseen Consequences
Plague Strikes WoW: Blizzard recently added the Zul’Gurub instance to the game, where Hakkar, the god of blood, uses a
The sincerest form of flattery. :P
So I’ve got this thing that one of my newer characters does… a little ’emote’ that establishes the character —
Training Room stuff
Now Testing in the Training Room Link has the full list as of 9/16. Below, stuff I actually care about:
Positron TF Thoughts
As noted in the week summary, I ran Positron with a total of six folks this weekend. Here’s a few
More Cavern of Transcendance Smackdown: Sign up
Short version: Lee (War Bones, Invul/Mace Tank, Freedom Phalanx — formerly Hushman/Cap’n Carnage/etc) has the Cavern of Transcendance Trial and
CoH — the week’s update
As noted on RandomWiki | CityOfHeroes, in the last seven days… Hyperthermian hit 44 during (as predicted), the first Shadow
Planner Hacking
Hacked the CoH Planner Kheldian data file and got the resistances for all the human shields and dwarf form defenses
Huh. What Devouring Earth “eminators” do…
From the CoH Forums: [blockquote]Quartz crystals give a +to Hit (which is technically different than +ACC from enhancements) of around
CoH Ping
I’m assuming that The Big Secret Fun Phalanx Leadership Thing is not going to happen today/tonight, since the forums are
CoH: The Weekend in Tights
I know, you guys want some Actual Play reports from my face to face games… Well, we’ve got a three-week
CoH: The Task Force Twins, coming soon to a dimension near you.
Lesse, since last update on the Wiki… Hype and Syn have dinged 42 and 43. 43 came about four missions
CoH: Planner Update
Joe Chott’s got his numbers updated in Hero Planner, as well as adding the new Archetypes. A few notes: *
CoH — new DE addition
Ewww… DE-Spawning boogers!
Weekend(s) in review
So, since updating the wiki page last, let’s see: Hyperthermian’s dinged 39, 40, and 41… and run the Eden Trial
CoH: I5: Strategist
So… logged Strat in to see what there is to be seen with regard to a respec. Here’s my respec
CoH: I5: Gilly — the freedom of tight constraints
So, when reworking Gilly, there were a couple ‘rules’ regarding the character that I had to adhere to: 1. If
CoH: i5: Hype
A few jot-thoughts from running Hype last night: 1. No resistance changes — my best numbers without Tough (not counting
CoH: Issue Five
I5 is out. Here is the official list of updates, sans numbers.
Scrapper i5 link
Hard numbers on Scrapper defenses: SR, Invul, DA, and Regen. First reaction: Wow. Super Reflexes is screwed.
Playing with a Kheldian
Shade Dancer: The Avatar of Malak Ta’us (praise his name), meets Alliance people for the first time. Damn that was
More examples of why I love playing Hype :)
Pretty normal weekend. Mom-in-Law was in town, so Jackie and I had lots of ‘free’ time. M-i-L fooishly thought this
coh Stuff
Few quick updates: Shade Dancer: Level 10 and fun as heck to play. Lightborne: Level 8, a semi-solid background, but
CoH: Eden Trial
Okay. I’m not putting this up on the forums, because I’ve no intention at all of making this a free-for-all,
More HQ rambling
Non-Gloranthan Magic
Link of the Now
Heroquest: Can you do EVERYTHING with an Extended Contest?
Week in review
As noted here, managed to mess around with CoH a bit over the last week, despite rampant having-a-babyness. Notably: Got